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Dôraznejšie sa zasadzujte za zdravé pracoviská v sociálnych médiách
Existuje rýchlejší a účinnejší spôsob, ako sa informovať, inšpirovať a podporovať opatrenia pre zdravé pracoviská než využívaním sociálnych médií?
Radi vám pomôžeme.
Nižšie na tejto stránke sa nachádzajú kľúčové posolstvá a vizuálne materiály pripravené na použitie so zameraním na každú z piatich prioritných oblastí kampane a prispôsobené rôznym kanálom sociálnych médií.
Príspevky môžete uverejňovať priamo alebo ich upravovať podľa svojich potrieb, a dokonca môžete preložiť texty do želaného jazyka.
V tejto časti budeme priebežne poskytovať ďalší pútavý obsah. Nenechajte si to ujsť!
Ak chcete prispieť zvýšiť záujem a angažovanosť za zdravé pracoviská v EÚ #EUhealthyworkplaces v digitálnom veku, teraz je správny čas.
Tak na čo čakáte?
- Automation of tasks
💡Robotic systems in automation perform repetitive tasks, reducing workers' physical & cognitive strain.
🤖This can disproportionately affect certain jobs.
👨🏻🔧Up- and...
- Automation of tasks
💡 Prioritising #OSH in the #automation of tasks.
🤖 Key considerations for designing advanced robotic systems.
🤝 Integrating trust-building strategies.
📝 Read about these and...
- Automation of tasks
🤝 28% of companies in the manufacturing sector in 🇪🇺 use some form of human-robot interaction.
🤖 Task #automation offers #OSH benefits such as easing workers’ cognitive...
- Automation of tasks
📝 Unlock the secrets to successful #automation and #AI implementation with the #EUhealthyworkplaces campaign policy brief!
🤝 How to facilitate worker acceptance.
- Automation of tasks
🔍 AI-based technologies can automate tasks in very different industries. This #EUhealthyworkplaces campaign case study explores how they can be applied to fact-checking...
- Automation of tasks
🤖 Read this #EUhealthyworkplaces campaign case study exploring advanced robotic #automation.
💡 It sheds light on the implementation of robotics promoting the #automation...
- Automation of tasks
🤖 AI is changing the way we work. Are we ready?
Here is a handful tool to inform and engage workers on #OSH in the #digital era.
🔎These slides will help you understand...
- Automation of tasks
It’s time to put focus on robotics safety at work!
Who else but Napo can expertly guide us through the emerging robotic technologies, help us identify main hazards, and...
- Automation of tasks
🦾 #AdvancedRobotics & #AI are revolutionizing sectors like manufacturing, healthcare, & education.
But what about their impact on worker safety and health?
♟️ #OSH...
- Automation of tasks
🧠 The potential of #AI to automate cognitive tasks at work promises significant impacts across various sectors.
🏥 In healthcare, #automation supports decision-making...
- Automation of tasks
🔍 From manufacturing to transportation, automation of physical tasks is reshaping industries.
🤖 Automation powered by #AI makes routine tasks easier, and sensors improve...
- Automation of tasks
🤖 The implementation of task #automation raises #OSH concerns including:
🔍 Loss of human situational awareness
💻 Overreliance on automated systems
📉 Potential loss of...