- Domov
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- Balíček pre sociálne médiá
Dôraznejšie sa zasadzujte za zdravé pracoviská v sociálnych médiách
Existuje rýchlejší a účinnejší spôsob, ako sa informovať, inšpirovať a podporovať opatrenia pre zdravé pracoviská než využívaním sociálnych médií?
Radi vám pomôžeme.
Nižšie na tejto stránke sa nachádzajú kľúčové posolstvá a vizuálne materiály pripravené na použitie so zameraním na každú z piatich prioritných oblastí kampane a prispôsobené rôznym kanálom sociálnych médií.
Príspevky môžete uverejňovať priamo alebo ich upravovať podľa svojich potrieb, a dokonca môžete preložiť texty do želaného jazyka.
V tejto časti budeme priebežne poskytovať ďalší pútavý obsah. Nenechajte si to ujsť!
Ak chcete prispieť zvýšiť záujem a angažovanosť za zdravé pracoviská v EÚ #EUhealthyworkplaces v digitálnom veku, teraz je správny čas.
Tak na čo čakáte?
- Remote work
Remote and hybrid work are reshaping the way we work - but how do we ensure safety and health keep pace? 💻🏡
EU-OSHA latest publications, many of them available in various...
- Remote work
Working from home during the #pandemic brought new challenges:
📌 Poor workstation setups
📌 Balancing work with family needs
📌Unplanned interruptions
📌 Isolation and finding a...
- Remote work
📲 Remote and #HybridWork offer flexibility, but they also call for thoughtful approaches to worker #SafetyandHealth.
Tailored #RiskAssessments and practical tools can help...
- Remote work
💡 How has #telework regulation changed in Europe since #COVID-19?
This report analyses how #telework is currently regulated in Europe, with legal changes introduced in 12...
- Remote work
How are remote and hybrid work shaping workplaces across Europe? This presentation uncovers:
✅ Key trends and statistics
✅ Gender differences in remote work
✅ New safety and...
- Remote work
🏡 #RemoteWork offers better work-life balance, but what about the risks?
Think about social isolation, #technostress, and #MSDs caused by prolonged sitting and screen...
💡 Have an idea for an event or a project to promote safety and health at your workplace?
There is no better moment than now! Join the #EuropeanWeek for Safety and Health...
What is possible when safety and health become innovation drivers at work? 🚀
During this #EuropeanWeek, explore and share a wide range of publications - available in...
🤖 Napo vs Robots! Can they work together safely? Find out during the #EUhealthyworkplaces week with "Napo in… robots at work!" 🎥
#napofilms tackle the risks of robotics...
Evolving at an unprecedented rate, digital technologies are reshaping our lives and workplaces.
Did you know that while only 94% of EU companies are using digital tech...
Think you need a massive budget to make a real impact on safety and health at work?
Even with limited means, a well-planned and targeted campaign can motivate meaningful...
Looking for engaging, educational, and entertaining ways to promote occupational safety and health?
🎬 Dive into the world of Napo during the #EuropeanWeek for Safety and...