

Mark your calendars: the European Week for Safety and Health at Work 2024 is coming!

Get ready for a week full of action! From October 21-25, the European Week for Safety and Health at Work returns, and this year it's all about Safe and Healthy Work in the Digital Age!With digital workplaces on the rise,...

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Digitalizácia, psychosociálne riziká a pohoda na pracovisku: postrehy k Svetovému dňu duševného zdravia

EU-OSHA si pripomína Svetový deň duševného zdravia zverejnením správy a politického prehľadu o vplyve digitalizácie na duševné zdravie pracovníkov.Používanie digitálnych technológií v práci je spojené s psychosociálnymi ...

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OSHwiki article in the spotlight: Platform work and safety and health

Platform work is one of the fastest-growing employment forms in the EU, with over 28 million workers and counting. But while digital platforms offer flexibility, they also come with serious safety and health risks. From ...

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Zaistenie bezpečnosti a ochrany zdravia v ére práce na diaľku a hybridnej práce

Tretina zamestnancov v EÚ teraz pracuje na diaľku (OSH Pulse 2022), čo poukazuje na potrebu prispôsobiť normy bezpečnosti a ochrany zdravia pri práci (BOZP) novým výzvam. Viac informácií nájdete v novej prioritnej oblas...

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Balancing innovation and safety in task automation: insights from case studies

Advanced robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) are increasingly used to automate a variety of tasks in workplaces across Europe, as their implementation can offer significant improvements in productivity and efficien...

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