OSHwiki je kolaboratívna online encyklopédia, ktorá obsahuje presné a spoľahlivé informácie o bezpečnosti a ochrane zdravia pri práci (BOZP). V sérií článkov vám ponúkame odborné poznatky o téme kampane.
- Digitalisation and psychosocial risks
- Digital platform: OSH implications
- Psychosocial issues and the changing world of work
- 3D printing and additive manufacturing - the implications for OSH
- Occupational risk assessment in micro-enterprises: the assets of digital tools
- A review on the future of work: robotics
- Human machine interface
- Collaborating robots
- Remote work, remote workplaces and implications for OSH
- Telework
- Musculoskeletal disorders and telework
- Practical tips to make home-based telework as healthy, safe and effective as possible
- Musculoskeletal disorders and prolonged static sitting
- Promoting moving and exercise at work to avoid prolonged standing and sitting
- Recommendations and interventions to decrease physical inactivity at work
- Managing the interface between family and working life
- Risk assessment and telework - checklist
- Mobile IT-supported work – a challenge for OSH and human factors
- Foresight of new and emerging occupational safety and health risks associated with information and communications technologies and work locations by 2025
- Monitoring technology: the 21st Century’s pursuit of wellbeing?
- The Future of Agriculture in Europe and its Impact on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)