Radio spots
Dla kogo:
Dla średnich i dużych organizacji.
Co to jest?
Spot radiowy przypomina spot telewizyjny, ale jest odpowiednio dostosowany na potrzeby radia.
- Nie wiąże się ze znacznymi kosztami.
- Warto się nad nim zastanowić, jeśli odbiorcy docelowi rzeczywiście słuchają radia.
- A radio spot probably has less impact than a TV spot.
- Bear in mind the length of the spot.
- There are many formats but the most common ones are 30 or 60 minutes. They can be shorter, but they are never longer.
What to include
- The message should include your campaign slogan.
- It should tell you the who, the how and what.
- It should also give indications as to what you should do, and where to find more information.
Use a professional speaker
Always use a professional speaker. They will be able to infuse the right amount of emotion and energy and will know all the techniques for speaking clearly and articulately.
In addition to having it run on radio stations, you could also have it as MP3 file that can be downloaded from your internet site.
Example 1 (15-second spot): “Smoking is the number one cause of home fire deaths. If you smoke, make sure you put that cigarette out completely. Put It Out. All the Way. Every Time. This message is from the British Fire Services Association, your local fire and rescue service, and this radio station. For more information, please call XXXXX”
Example 2 (30-second spot): “Hi, I’m Chief John Doe from the Anytown, Anystate fire department. Have you ever tossed cigarette butts in the rubbish bin? Chances are you’ve seen what can happen if those butts are still hot. Maybe you got lucky that time. But what if it happens again and you’re asleep? A fire started by a cigarette doesn’t care if you’re asleep.
Make sure your cigarette is completely out so you can stop the fire before it starts. If you smoke, put it out. All the Way. Every Time. This message is brought to you by the British Fire Services Association, your local fire and rescue service, and this radio station. For more information, please call xxx”