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Existuje rychlejší a efektivnější způsob, jak informovat, inspirovat a podporovat opatření v rámci kampaně Zdravé pracoviště než využitím síly sociálních médií?
Rádi vám pomůžeme.
Když se na stránce posunete níže, najdete připravená klíčová sdělení a vizuální materiály zaměřené na každou z pěti prioritních oblastí kampaně a přizpůsobené různým kanálům sociálních médií.
Příspěvky můžete sdílet přímo nebo je upravit podle svých potřeb, a dokonce si texty můžete přeložit do svého místního jazyka.
Tuto část budeme průběžně zásobovat dalším poutavým obsahem. Sledujte nás!
Chcete-li být v tomto digitálním věku hybnou silou zapojení a opatření pro kampaň #EUhealthyworkplaces, nyní nastal čas.
Na co ještě čekáte?
- Remote work
🙌 Workers must be protected wherever they are.
As remote and hybrid work becomes more common, employers must adapt their safety and health practices.
Traditional risk...
- Remote work
#Telework and hybrid work have changed the fabric of our working lives, but how has this transformation impacted women?
There are significant research gaps, such as the...
- Remote work
What impact do virtual and #AugmentedReality have on the safety and health of workers?
Learn about the #OSH risks and opportunities posed by these emerging technologies...
- Remote work
Remote work goes far beyond home offices.
From cafes to construction sites, public spaces are becoming new workplaces.
While this flexibility improves work-life balance...
- Remote work
How does digital surveillance impact the safety and well-being of remote workers?
This report examines the #SafeyandHealth implications of monitoring remote workers...
- Remote work
Flexibility powers #HybridWork.
Hybrid forms of work are likely to become the norm for many European workers in the coming years.
💡 But we need more research to understand...
- Automation of tasks
💡Robotic systems in automation perform repetitive tasks, reducing workers' physical & cognitive strain.
🤖This can disproportionately affect certain jobs.
👨🏻🔧Up- and...
- Automation of tasks
💡 Prioritising #OSH in the #automation of tasks.
🤖 Key considerations for designing advanced robotic systems.
🤝 Integrating trust-building strategies.
📝 Read about these and...
- Automation of tasks
🤝 28% of companies in the manufacturing sector in 🇪🇺 use some form of human-robot interaction.
🤖 Task #automation offers #OSH benefits such as easing workers’ cognitive...
- Automation of tasks
📝 Unlock the secrets to successful #automation and #AI implementation with the #EUhealthyworkplaces campaign policy brief!
🤝 How to facilitate worker acceptance.
- Automation of tasks
🔍 AI-based technologies can automate tasks in very different industries. This #EUhealthyworkplaces campaign case study explores how they can be applied to fact-checking...
- Automation of tasks
🤖 Read this #EUhealthyworkplaces campaign case study exploring advanced robotic #automation.
💡 It sheds light on the implementation of robotics promoting the #automation...