Good Practice Awards
Suitable for:
Medium to larger organisations.
What is it?
An event during which you reward a company/ employer for outstanding contribution to a topic e.g. health and safety at work. The awards aim to demonstrate, by example, the benefits of following good safety and health practices to employers and workers. Through the Good Practice Awards Competition you may promote good practice solutions in the workplace and share information about good practice across your country or region.
- The competition may be a great tool supporting your campaign and your key messages.
- Thanks to the competition you create a good sample that employers may follow.
- This kind of competition requires an internal commitment from an organisation: Preparing selection procedure, etc.
- Also, it may be cost-intensive if you consider offering financial reward.
Planning the Awards
- Think how to reach the potential participants: consider direct mailing
- Set up a competition webpage
- Think of the precise criteria the participants have to fulfil in order to win the competition. For example, you may look for solutions that are:
- Relevant to occupational safety and health
- Demonstrate successful implementation and real improvements
- Potentially transferable to other workplaces
Jury Panel
- Choose the jury panel that will assess whether participants fulfil your criteria.
- To encourage potential participants, try to involve a person which is well known in the world of Occupational Health & Safety. This will also add prestige to your competition.
Award and selection procedure
- Think about the award and possible added value the participants may get (interest from the media, etc.)
- Prepare a selection procedure: you could run a sub-site devoted to the good practice awards where you can provide an entry form for the participants
- Make sure the rules are clear and precise and all entry forms understandable
- If you expect a big number of participants, consider splitting the selection procedure into two stages:
- Pre-selection
- Final selection
In terms of timelines, organise the competition simultaneously with the campaign
Involve the media: it will be beneficial both for you and the winning company.