

Portuguese focal point's Emília Telo in conversation with Proteger magazine: exploring the latest campaign in Portugal

Proteger, media partner, has recently published an insightful interview with Emília Telo, Coordinator of ACT (Autoridade para as Condições do Trabalho) the Portuguese National Focal Point (FOP), featured in their latest ...



From riders to nurses, cleaners and translators: explore the diverse profiles of platform workers

Digital platform work takes many forms, mirroring the diversity found across the sectors it encompasses. This article provides an overview of who are the digital platform workers and what type of jobs and tasks they carr...



UEMS Occupational Medicine Section’s spring meeting focuses on occupational health collaboration

In a bid to foster safer and healthier workplaces, members of the UEMS Occupational Medicine Section, the official campaign partner of the Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2023-25 'Safe and healthy work in the digital age', g...



HSE+ engages Italian readers on the new campaign and digital platform work

One of the newest additions to the network of media partners, HSE+ based in Italy, has recently brought attention to the 2023-25 Healthy Workplaces Campaign ‘Safe and healthy work in the digital age’ through several arti...



Kandideerige hea tava auhindadele ja tutvuge digiajastu töökorraldusega!

Koostöös EU-OSHA riiklike teabekeskustega korraldataval tervislike töökohtade hea tava auhinnakonkursil tunnustatakse igat liiki organisatsioone kogu Euroopast, kes tutvustavad uuenduslikke lähenemisviise töötajate heaol...
