Campaign toolkit


Suitable for:

All types of organisations.

What is it?

A blog is a type of website or part of a website. Blogs are usually run by an individual with entries of commentary, news, descriptions of events, etc. Local and international blogs can be extremely influential and rich in interesting information. Bloggers are becoming true online-celebrities. Their opinion matters and their voices are heard. Therefore, the chances that the information posted by a popular blogger will find a strong resonance among readers are quite high.


  • You can use it as an “informal face” of your organisation and interact with blog guests.
  • Your blog content may turn into a powerful vehicle for your campaign with little or no cost to you.


  • A blog is in fact an additional web page that you maintain.
  • It may be challenging for you to manage various web platforms especially as a blog needs special attention and involves using “journalistic” language.

How do blogs work?

  • Most blogs are interactive, allowing readers to post messages in response to what they have seen.
  • Blogs can be hosted on your organisation’s own website, or on blog sites (such as Wordpress).
  • Most blogs are primarily text-based, although some focus on art, photographs, videos (video blogging) music and audio (podcasts).

How to get the most out of your blog

  • Before starting with the technicalities, you must clearly define the purpose of the blog you are about to create. Answer the questions:
    • Is it going to be informative?
    • Entertaining?
    • How often do you want to update it?
    • Who is the target group?
  • Once you have answered these questions, make sure to assign someone who is going to be responsible for leading the blog and updating it regularly. A good blog is time-consuming; therefore it is essential to know who is taking care of the blog.

Practical considerations

Find a blog hosting company.