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Okrepite svoj glas za zdravo delovno okolje prek družbenih medijev
Ali obstaja način za obveščanje, navdihovanje in spodbujanje ukrepov za zdravo delovno okolje, ki bi bil hitrejši in učinkovitejši od uporabe moči družbenih medijev?
Tu smo, da vam pomagamo.
Pomaknite se po strani navzdol, da najdete ključna sporočila in vizualno gradivo, ki so pripravljena za uporabo, s poudarkom na vsakem od petih prednostnih področij kampanje ter prilagojena različnim kanalom na družbenih omrežjih.
Objave lahko neposredno delite ali jih prilagodite, besedila pa lahko celo prevedete v svoj lokalni jezik.
V to rubriko bomo stalno dodajali nove privlačne vsebine. Spremljajte nas!
Če želite v tej digitalni dobi spodbujati udejstvovanje in ukrepanje za #EUhealthyworkplaces, je zdaj pravi trenutek.
Kaj čakate?
- Remote work
🙌 Workers must be protected wherever they are.
As remote and hybrid work becomes more common, employers must adapt their safety and health practices.
Traditional risk...
- Remote work
#Telework and hybrid work have changed the fabric of our working lives, but how has this transformation impacted women?
There are significant research gaps, such as the...
- Remote work
What impact do virtual and #AugmentedReality have on the safety and health of workers?
Learn about the #OSH risks and opportunities posed by these emerging technologies...
- Remote work
Remote work goes far beyond home offices.
From cafes to construction sites, public spaces are becoming new workplaces.
While this flexibility improves work-life balance...
- Remote work
How does digital surveillance impact the safety and well-being of remote workers?
This report examines the #SafeyandHealth implications of monitoring remote workers...
- Remote work
Flexibility powers #HybridWork.
Hybrid forms of work are likely to become the norm for many European workers in the coming years.
💡 But we need more research to understand...
- Automation of tasks
💡Robotic systems in automation perform repetitive tasks, reducing workers' physical & cognitive strain.
🤖This can disproportionately affect certain jobs.
👨🏻🔧Up- and...
- Automation of tasks
💡 Prioritising #OSH in the #automation of tasks.
🤖 Key considerations for designing advanced robotic systems.
🤝 Integrating trust-building strategies.
📝 Read about these and...
- Automation of tasks
🤝 28% of companies in the manufacturing sector in 🇪🇺 use some form of human-robot interaction.
🤖 Task #automation offers #OSH benefits such as easing workers’ cognitive...
- Automation of tasks
📝 Unlock the secrets to successful #automation and #AI implementation with the #EUhealthyworkplaces campaign policy brief!
🤝 How to facilitate worker acceptance.
- Automation of tasks
🔍 AI-based technologies can automate tasks in very different industries. This #EUhealthyworkplaces campaign case study explores how they can be applied to fact-checking...
- Automation of tasks
🤖 Read this #EUhealthyworkplaces campaign case study exploring advanced robotic #automation.
💡 It sheds light on the implementation of robotics promoting the #automation...