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Okrepite svoj glas za zdravo delovno okolje prek družbenih medijev
Ali obstaja način za obveščanje, navdihovanje in spodbujanje ukrepov za zdravo delovno okolje, ki bi bil hitrejši in učinkovitejši od uporabe moči družbenih medijev?
Tu smo, da vam pomagamo.
Pomaknite se po strani navzdol, da najdete ključna sporočila in vizualno gradivo, ki so pripravljena za uporabo, s poudarkom na vsakem od petih prednostnih področij kampanje ter prilagojena različnim kanalom na družbenih omrežjih.
Objave lahko neposredno delite ali jih prilagodite, besedila pa lahko celo prevedete v svoj lokalni jezik.
V to rubriko bomo stalno dodajali nove privlačne vsebine. Spremljajte nas!
Če želite v tej digitalni dobi spodbujati udejstvovanje in ukrepanje za #EUhealthyworkplaces, je zdaj pravi trenutek.
Kaj čakate?
- Remote work
Remote and hybrid work are reshaping the way we work - but how do we ensure safety and health keep pace? 💻🏡
EU-OSHA latest publications, many of them available in various...
- Remote work
Working from home during the #pandemic brought new challenges:
📌 Poor workstation setups
📌 Balancing work with family needs
📌Unplanned interruptions
📌 Isolation and finding a...
- Remote work
📲 Remote and #HybridWork offer flexibility, but they also call for thoughtful approaches to worker #SafetyandHealth.
Tailored #RiskAssessments and practical tools can help...
- Remote work
💡 How has #telework regulation changed in Europe since #COVID-19?
This report analyses how #telework is currently regulated in Europe, with legal changes introduced in 12...
- Remote work
How are remote and hybrid work shaping workplaces across Europe? This presentation uncovers:
✅ Key trends and statistics
✅ Gender differences in remote work
✅ New safety and...
- Remote work
🏡 #RemoteWork offers better work-life balance, but what about the risks?
Think about social isolation, #technostress, and #MSDs caused by prolonged sitting and screen...
💡 Have an idea for an event or a project to promote safety and health at your workplace?
There is no better moment than now! Join the #EuropeanWeek for Safety and Health...
What is possible when safety and health become innovation drivers at work? 🚀
During this #EuropeanWeek, explore and share a wide range of publications - available in...
🤖 Napo vs Robots! Can they work together safely? Find out during the #EUhealthyworkplaces week with "Napo in… robots at work!" 🎥
#napofilms tackle the risks of robotics...
Evolving at an unprecedented rate, digital technologies are reshaping our lives and workplaces.
Did you know that while only 94% of EU companies are using digital tech...
Think you need a massive budget to make a real impact on safety and health at work?
Even with limited means, a well-planned and targeted campaign can motivate meaningful...
Looking for engaging, educational, and entertaining ways to promote occupational safety and health?
🎬 Dive into the world of Napo during the #EuropeanWeek for Safety and...
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