XXIV International ORP Congress: "At Work: One Life, One Planet - Digitalisation and Well-being: New Era for Prevention"
The XXIV International ORP Congress, titled 'Work and OSH in the age of artificial intelligence: a labyrinth of complexity', will delve into the theme of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its implications on boundaries and nature of work. Occupational health and safety is also being affected by the AI revolution, raising new and complex issues that require innovative solutions.
Experts from all over the world will bring their insights to the discussion and will explore the different facets of the topic, taking into consideration all the possible issues and solutions.
International ORP FoundationFurther information
Lisää kalenteriini
2024-10-21 02:00:00
2024-10-25 02:00:00
XXIV International ORP Congress: "At Work: One Life, One Planet - Digitalisation and Well-being: New Era for Prevention"
The XXIV International ORP Congress, titled 'Work and OSH in the age of artificial intelligence: a labyrinth of complexity', will delve into the theme of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its implications on boundaries and nature of work. Occupational health and safety is also being affected by the AI revolution, raising new and complex issues that require innovative solutions.
Experts from all over the world will bring their insights to the discussion and will explore the different facets of the topic, taking into consideration all the possible issues and solutions.
International ORP Foundation
Santiago de Chile Chile