Gervigreind í starfsmannastjórnun: þátttaka fólks til að koma í veg fyrir áhættu
Áhætta eins og aukið eftirlit, áhyggjur af friðhelgi einkalífs eða tímapressu sem tengist reikniritum og starfsmannastjórnunarkerfum byggðum á gervigreind (e. AI-based worker management - AIWM) getur leitt til streitu st...
IOSH webinar explores the role of technology in driving workplace safety and inclusion
A recent webinar hosted by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), one of the official campaign partners of the Healthy Workplaces Campaign (HWC) 2023-25 'Safe and healthy work in the digital age', brou...
New call for tenders: study on mental health and digitalisation
We are launching a call for tenders to develop a qualitative study on managing psychosocial risks related to the increased use of digital technologies in the workplace. The study will be based on in-depth follow-up inter...
FIOH's study: Dissatisfaction in the hybrid workplace: what’s driving employees to stay home?
In the era of hybrid work, the core grievances about office life remain largely unchanged: employees continue to cite inadequate working conditions and poorly designed spaces as top complaints. However, the hybrid model ...
Gleðilegt, heilbrigt og viðnámsþolið ár 2025!
Við sendum innilegar þakkir til innlendra tengiliða EU-OSHA, og allra samstarfsaðila sem taka þátt í að efla öryggi og heilsu starfsmanna um alla Evrópu.Hátíðarkveðjur og bestu óskir um gleðilegt nýtt ár! ...
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