Umjetna inteligencija u postupku upravljanja radnicima: uključivanje ljudi radi sprječavanja rizika
Rizici kao što su pojačani nadzor, nedostatak privatnosti ili vremenski pritisak povezani s algoritamskim sustavima za upravljanje radnicima i sustavima za upravljanje radnicima na temelju umjetne inteligencije mogu kod ...
IOSH webinar explores the role of technology in driving workplace safety and inclusion
A recent webinar hosted by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), one of the official campaign partners of the Healthy Workplaces Campaign (HWC) 2023-25 'Safe and healthy work in the digital age', brou...
New call for tenders: study on mental health and digitalisation
We are launching a call for tenders to develop a qualitative study on managing psychosocial risks related to the increased use of digital technologies in the workplace. The study will be based on in-depth follow-up inter...
FIOH's study: Dissatisfaction in the hybrid workplace: what’s driving employees to stay home?
In the era of hybrid work, the core grievances about office life remain largely unchanged: employees continue to cite inadequate working conditions and poorly designed spaces as top complaints. However, the hybrid model ...
Želimo vam sretnu, zdravu i otpornu 2025.!
Od srca zahvaljujemo svim nacionalnim središnjicama, partnerima i suradnicima EU-OSHA-e na njihovoj predanosti i marljivom radu na unaprjeđenju sigurnosti i zdravlja radnika u cijeloj Europi.Želimo vam sretne blagdane i ...