2018-19: Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances

Healthy Workplaces Summit

The event brought together leading European experts and decision makers to discuss the results of the two-year campaign, share knowledge and explore future strategies for effective prevention, and sustainable management of dangerous substances at workplaces.

Parallel workshops looked at prevention activities regarding carcinogens at work, good practices in the service sector and substitution of dangerous substances in production processes. The most effective OSH-measures as regards to future developments of chemicals use were also discussed.

A special highlight of the Summit was the Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards ceremony, celebrating the ten organisations that have been awarded and commended by an independent international jury for taking a proactive and participative approach to managing dangerous substances. 

Finally, the Agency presented the Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2020-22, which started running in October 2020 and was raising awareness of the importance of preventing risks of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).

A summary of the conference, recordings of all sessions, presentations and photos are now available