2016-17: Healthy Workplaces for All Ages


See who were the official campaign partners and media partners involved in this campaign.

Official campaign partners

Companies and associations from the private and public sectors have joined forces with us in the Healthy Workplaces Campaigns. The campaign partners help to publicise the importance of occupational safety and health through a variety of activities, including conferences, seminars and training sessions. Engaging with large-scale organisations can be particularly effective, as it means that our messages can reach small and medium-sized enterprises through the supply chains that those large organisations have.

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Media partners

Our media partners work with us to raise awareness of the campaign topics, using their various channels to advertise and promote the campaign. They form an exclusive pool of journalists and editors from European, national and regional media interested in promoting occupational safety and health.

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Focal points

The focal points, in more than 30 countries, coordinate and disseminate information from the Agency within their individual countries, and provide feedback and recommendations. Typically the lead OSH organisation in their respective countries, they are the Agency’s official representatives at national level. They contribute to the development of the Agency’s information services and campaign activities. As well as the EU Member States, focal points have also been established in the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries and EU candidate and potential candidate countries.

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EEN network

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is a European Commission-led network and a key instrument in the EU's strategy to boost growth and jobs. Bringing together close to 600 business support organisations from 50 countries, the EEN helps small companies seize the unparalleled business opportunities in the EU Single Market.

The Healthy Workplaces Campaign constitutes an important area of cooperation between the Agency and the EEN, and the EEN OSH Ambassadors are actively involved in promoting this cooperation.

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