Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (Bulgaria)
Mission Statement
The national focal point on health and safety at work is the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy creates, coordinates and executes the state’s policy for healthy and safe working conditions, based on tripartite cooperation on the national, sectoral and regional level. The focal point operates by using the National informational network. The network's activity is coordinated by the Manager who is an expert of the “Labour Law and Working Conditions” Department of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. In the national focal point’s network are included all of institutions with competencies in the sphere of workplace health and safety (the Ministry of Health, Executive agency “General Labour Inspectorate”, National Social Security Institute, National Centre for public Health Health and Analyses and others.) as well as employers’ organisations – BICA (the Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association), BIA (Bulgarian Industrial Association), BCCI (Bulgarian Chamber of commerce and Industry), CEIBG (the Confederation of the Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria), Union for Private Economic Enterprise (UPEE) and the organisations of workers and employees CITUB (Confederation of Independent Trade unions in Bulgaria) CL (Confederation of Labour) “Podkrepa”, recognised as representative on the national level.
The mission of the focal point is to encourage the establishment of healthier, safer and more productive workplaces by communicating information and good practices in the field of health and safety at work.
The mission of the focal point is to encourage the establishment of healthier, safer and more productive workplaces by communicating information and good practices in the field of health and safety at work.