The forefront of OSH community to meet at the A+A Trade Fair and Congress in October

One of the largest occupational safety and health (OSH) events, A+A (Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin) Trade Fair and Congress is coming back. The Congress is being organised by a media partner of EU-OSHA and a loyal supporter of the Healthy Workplaces Campaigns (HWC) – Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Sicherheit und Gesundheit (German Federal Association for Occupational Safety and Health) which publishes Basi News.
Held every two years in Düsseldorf, both the Congress and Trade Fair run in parallel. While the former seeks to provide platform for an exchange of expertise, scientific research and best practice solutions, the Trade Fair offers an access to a major marketplace for safety and health products and services.
In 2021, the Congress, already focusing on digitalisation (e.g. Work 4.0) was attended by EU-OSHA, at the time, promoting the 2020-22 Healthy Workplaces Campaign ‘Lighten the Load’. Several sessions were dedicated to musculoskeletal disorders and the implementation of the HWC in Austria. The previous campaign can be revisited here.
The newest edition of A+A will take place from 24 to 27 October, giving an opportunity to participants and speakers from all over the world to connect and discuss the most salient OSH topics, from personal protective equipment (PPE) to ergonomics, environmental protection, digital services, mobile working and wearable robots (exoskeletons).
EU-OSHA will contribute to the A+A Congress and spread the word about the upcoming 2023-25 HWC 'Safe and healthy work in the digital age', which emphasises the importance of a human-centred approach to maximise the potential of digitalisation for OSH.
To learn more about this international gathering, one can visit the official website or check out the event item.