National Labour Inspectorate / Národný inšpektorát práce
Mission Statement
Mission of the National Labour Inspectorate of the Slovak Republic:
To serve the state and society in protection of the public interest and to implement the prevention of violations of labour law, accidents at work and occupational diseases, in order to preserve health, life and functional capacity of employees as well as to ensure labour guarantees.
The functions of the Slovak Focal Point are carried out by the National Labour Inspectorate, which is operating under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic.
The National Labour Inspectorate shall:
- manage and control labour inspectorates,
- propose to the Ministry measures for improvement of the state of labour protection,
- submit to the Ministry reports on the state of labour protection,
- process and evaluate data on occupational accidents for statistical purposes,
- ensure development, collection, dissemination, availability and publication of information in the field of labour protection,
- participate in international co-operation in the field of labour protection.
To serve the state and society in protection of the public interest and to implement the prevention of violations of labour law, accidents at work and occupational diseases, in order to preserve health, life and functional capacity of employees as well as to ensure labour guarantees.
The functions of the Slovak Focal Point are carried out by the National Labour Inspectorate, which is operating under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic.
The National Labour Inspectorate shall:
- manage and control labour inspectorates,
- propose to the Ministry measures for improvement of the state of labour protection,
- submit to the Ministry reports on the state of labour protection,
- process and evaluate data on occupational accidents for statistical purposes,
- ensure development, collection, dissemination, availability and publication of information in the field of labour protection,
- participate in international co-operation in the field of labour protection.