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Health and safety at work - Living, understanding and regulating the new frontiers of the working world
Belgium , Brussels, Belgium
The rise of new digital technologies, such as (AI) AI refers to systems that display intelligent behaviour by analysing their environment and taking actions – with some degree of autonomy – to achieve specific goals. AI-based systems can be purely software-based, acting in the virtual world (e.g. voice assistants, image analysis software, search engines, speech and face recognition systems) or AI can be embedded in hardware devices (e.g. advanced robots, autonomous cars, drones or Internet of things applications). and robotics, is transforming workplaces and introducing new challenges for health and safety. Addressing these issues requires an open dialogue involving all stakeholders in the European economic and productive system, including...
1st Seminar on Occupational Health and Safety
Portugal , Marco de Canaveses, Portugal
A seminar on occupational health and safety will take place on 21 February 2025 in Marco de Canaveses, Portugal. The programme features interesting discussions and expert presentations covering diverse topics. The seminar programme: 13:30h – Secretariat opening 14:00h – Opening session - Marco de...
International Conference on Safety & Innovation - SAF€RA Symposium 2025
Italy , Rome, Italy
SAF€RA, an official partner of 'Safe and Healthy Work in the Digital Age' Campaign, is organising the SAF€RA Symposium 2025 from 11-13 March 2025 in Rome, Italy, to present the latest findings from SAF€RA-funded projects and highlight advancements in worker safety. The symposium will offer an...
Building the Digital Future in Occupational Safety and Health
Poland , Warsaw, Poland
The Polish Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy and the Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB) are organising the OSH conference under the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Titled ‘Building the Digital Future in Occupational...
Forum Prävention International 2025
Austria , Wien, Austria
The Federal Association for Occupational Safety and Health (Basi), in collaboration with AUVA, will host an international congress on Digital platform work is all paid work provided through, on or mediated by an online platform – that is, an online marketplace operating on digital technologies that facilitate the matching of demand for and supply of labour. in Vienna from 20 to 22 May 2025. This event will bring together national and international topics through collaborative working groups in...