OSH in the digital age: Latvian Good Practice Conference
The annual Latvian Good Practice Conference is taking place in Riga. This year’s edition is focusing on the intersection between occupational safety and health (OSH) and digitalisation and is highlighting the importance of fostering wellbeing in these workplaces.
The event, organised by our focal point in Latvia Valsts darba inspekcija, will be formally opened by the minister of welfare, along with representatives from key social partners. A central feature of the conference will be the presentation of 15 good practice examples submitted by a diverse range of companies. These submissions, comprising two from smaller organisations and thirteen from larger firms, highlight innovative approaches to occupational health in the digital age. The selected examples will be showcased in person and through an online broadcast, catering primarily to experts in OSH.
By sharing successful examples of good practices, the conference aspires to inspire other companies to take tangible steps towards improving their occupational health policies. This exchange of knowledge will allow professionals to identify key strategies that have been effectively implemented, creating a culture of continuous improvement across industries.
- Uģis Joksts
- Uldis Augulis - Ministry of Welfare
- Kaspars Gorkšs - Employers' Confederation of Latvia
- Gita Oškāja - Deputy Chairperson of the Latvian Free Trade Union
- Ieva Andersone - Labor protection and fire safety specialist
- Rodrigo Strautiņš, BIM specialist
- Aivars Zambars-Lūsis,Labor protection and quality head of the management department
- Aija Mortukāne, Senior labor protection specialist
- Diāna Ivanova, Head of the work environment risks department
- Kaspars Frisšfelds, member of the board
- Zane Eglīte,Personnel director
- Elīna Grīvāne, Head of Strategy and Innovation Management
- Matīss Plaudis, Senior labor protection specialist
- Mārcis Shantams Slavinskis, Head of the Department of Labor Protection
- Dagnis Garais, Procesu drošības inženieris
- Tatjana Petrova,Kvalitātes un darba aizsardzības sistēmas vadītāja
- Irina Grigorjeva, Senior labor protection specialist
- Lauris Miķelsons, VP Compliance and Safety
- Lolita Treisnere, Head of labor protection in the Baltics
Valsts darba inspekcija
Riga Latvia