Briefing Latvian organisations about the Golden Helmet competition and the Good Practice Awards
EU-OSHA's Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards are approaching!
To encourage participation, our focal point in Latvia and head of the national jury Valsts darba inspekcija is organising an online discussion to brief organisations about how to take part in the national competition, the Golden Helmet awards. Selected entries will compete at the European level in the Good Practice Awards.
The session will include insights from stakeholders about the application process, requirements and key challenges involved in completing the entry form. Potential participants will receive the necessary information to navigate the submission process effectively.
Additionally, an OSH expert responsible for preparing the application of a Latvian company that was successful at the EU level will share her experiences and offer valuable tips and tricks for crafting a compelling entry.
Attendees will also hear from an expert in digitalisation, who will explore various aspects related to the content of the Healthy Workplaces Campaign. The importance of using digital tools and strategies to enhance workplace safety initiatives will be highlighted.
Dace Helmane, Institute for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility
- Linda Matisāne, Focal Point manager for the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Head of the competition jury commission
- Ieva Andersone, Labour protection specialist
- Līga Vecā, Board member of the Latvian Digital Accelerator
Valsts darba inspekcijaFurther information

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