29th International HDO Conference - MeditMaint 2024
The Croatian Maintenance Society (HDO), in collaboration with the European Federation of National Maintenance Societies (EFNMS), the Croatian Engineering Association, the Danube Adria Association for & Manufacturing, and Electromechanical Authority, is organising and inviting you to the 29th International and Mediterranean Conference MeditMaint 2024 – MAINTENANCE 2024.
This year’s Conference will be held under the motto: Zero Defects vs Zero Accidents. Zero defects and zero accidents are two different concepts often used in the business environment in the context of quality and safety management.
Zero defects is a concept that relates to the philosophy or goal claiming that products or services should be manufactured or provided without any errors or defects. The idea is to achieve the highest level of product or service quality through systematic planning, process control, and continuous improvement, aiming to reduce or eliminate errors. The zero defects concept encourages organizations to focus on preventing problems and undesirable situations rather than relying on detecting and fixing errors after they occur.
Zero accidents aim for organizations to achieve a zero rate of accidents, injuries, or incidents at work. This concept emphasizes the importance of workplace safety, reducing the risk of injuries or harm to employees. Organisations striving for zero accidents invest efforts in identifying safety risks, educating employees on safety, implementing safety procedures, and ensuring a safe working environment. The goal is to eliminate or minimize accidents and their consequences.
Although both concepts are based on achieving the highest standards of quality and safety, they differ in their focus. Nevertheless, both concepts fit into the new industrial trend called Industry 5.0 with an emphasis on human orientation, sustainability, and resilience.
Industry 5.0, initially understood as a counterpoint to the dehumanization of industry, has evolved into a concept of a holistic approach to the role and work of humans in modern automated tasks. Industry 5.0 is often referred to as the “human touch in manufacturing processes.”
HDO - Croatian Maintenance SocietyFurther information
+385 (0)1 49 22 021

Rovinj Croatia