UNI Europa
Mission Statement
As the European trade union federation for 7 million service workers, UNI Europa speaks for the sectors that constitute the backbone of economic and social life in Europe. Headquartered in the heart of Brussels, UNI Europa represents 272 national trade unions in 50 countries, including: Commerce, Banking Insurance and Central Banks, Gaming, Graphical and Packaging, Hair and Beauty, Information and Communication Technology Services, Media, Entertainment and Arts, Postal Services and Logistics, Private Care and Social Insurance, Industrial Cleaning and Private Security, Professional Sport and Leisure, Professionals/Managers and Temporary Agency Workers. UNI Europa represents the largest region in UNI Global Union.
UNI Europa is organised by sector and regions. Each sector and region is directly represented on the Executive Committee. UNI Europa’s Regional Conference takes place every four years.
UNI Europa is organised by sector and regions. Each sector and region is directly represented on the Executive Committee. UNI Europa’s Regional Conference takes place every four years.
Our campaign pledge
UNI Europa has been proud partner of OSHA campaigns for many years in order to join forces with associations, federations and other partners for a safe and health work environment for million of European female and male workers. Occupational health and safety is one of UNI Europa strategic priorities. Engaging with OSHA will reinforce our strategy for us to consolidate our tools and dedicated measures. This partnership is a chance to develop optimally our synergies and network engaging in a common and efficient approach. A major concern about the acceleration of advanced technologies is that it has widened the digital gap known as the ‘digital divide’ between groups of workers. Through its various channels, platforms and European Social Dialogue Committees, UNI Europa is committed to respond, to find remedies and tools to the challenges that the increasing digitalisation of the world of work has posed to working people across Europe. By cooperating together, solutions will be more effective and faster to meet the realities of today's world of work.
Regional Secretary
"Safe and healthy workplaces are major priority for UNI Europa and its affiliates across the services sector. In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, the increasing digitalisation of the world of work has posed challenges to working people across Europe. That’s why we are glad to engage in the partnership and campaign with OSHA on ensuring a human-centred approach to managing digital technology in the workplace."