TNO Prevention, Work & Health
Mission Statement
TNO Work and Employment administers the Netherlands Focal Point of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) under the authority of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.
By order of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment the Netherlands Focal Point contributes to the realisation of the Agency objectives in the Netherlands. The Netherlands Focal Point works closely together with the social partners and has a strong and growing relationship with other networkpartners. In addition to the formal tasks the Netherlands Focal Point provides information in English of the Dutch OSH legislation and relevant Dutch OSH developments on its website.
By order of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment the Netherlands Focal Point contributes to the realisation of the Agency objectives in the Netherlands. The Netherlands Focal Point works closely together with the social partners and has a strong and growing relationship with other networkpartners. In addition to the formal tasks the Netherlands Focal Point provides information in English of the Dutch OSH legislation and relevant Dutch OSH developments on its website.