National Institute for R&D for Optoelectronics INOE 2000
Mission Statement
The National Institute for Research and Development for Optoelectronics - INOE 2000 develops fundamental and applied research in the field of optoelectronics, based on the processes of interaction of the optical field with matter, in conjunction with the development of complementary methods in the field of analytical chemistry and high pressure physics.Since 2008, INOE 2000 has been an Enterprise Europe Network host organisation, while its department Technology Transfer Center CENTI has been acting as Network partner.
The mission of the Technology Transfer Center CENTI department is structured on two directions: 1. the promotion and valorisation of the R&D results obtained by both its host research institute and other R&D entities and 2. to offer support services for SMEs in order to innovate and grow, among which: R&D services, technology transfer services, IP rights services, advisory services related to national, EU and international funding programs, access to finance and entrepreneurship assistance for start-up and spin-off companies.