Official Campaign Partners

European Confederation of Police (EuroCOP)

Mission Statement

The European Confederation of Police (EuroCOP) is the umbrella organisation for 30 police unions and staff organisations in Europe. We represent the interests of over 230,000 police officers in 25 European countries today.
EuroCOP is a non-profit organisation representing the voice of European police officers. Striving to protect the rights, safety, values, and position in society of European police officers, EuroCOP is building stronger channels of communication and cooperation on policing across Europe. EuroCOP is tackling issues from police cooperation across borders to a safer working environment for police officers on the street.

Our campaign pledge

At EuroCOP we undertake our work with pride, and in every stride we take forward we are constantly conscious of the importance of Health & Safety in our membership workplace, and the the work they undertake in representing Police Officers across the whole of the European landscape.

Jonne  RINNE



Safety is no accident . The key to safety is your own hands. Make safety a reality and don’t be a fatality Every accident is a mark that something is possibly wrong with either the process, methods or material - Investigate then ACT.