

Remote work and women: Creating safe and healthy workplaces for all

While remote and hybrid work present both opportunities and risks for workers, women face additional challenges that are often overlooked. The blurring of physical boundaries between work and private life in home-based r...

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Sistemas digitales inteligentes: seguimiento de la seguridad y la salud en tiempo real

Gafas inteligentes para evaluaciones remotas de la SST, un reloj de pulsera que rastrea la exposición en tiempo real a vibraciones mano-brazo y plantillas inteligentes para prevenir accidentes como caídas son ejemplos de...

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Navigating the new normal: EU-OSHA expert discusses remote and hybrid work with PuntoSicuro

In an insightful interview with EU-OSHA media partner PuntoSicuro, the Agency’s Senior Research Project Manager in the Prevention and Research Unit, Dr. Maurizio Curtarelli, dives into remote and hybrid work, the priorit...

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EU-OSHA Executive Director explores AI and workplace safety in 2024 EWJI Yearbook edition

The European Water Jetting Institute (EWJI), an official campaign partner of the Healthy Workplaces Campaign (HWC) 2023-25 'Safe and healthy work in the digital age', has teamed up with EU-OSHA to spotlight the important...

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FIOH's new study: 'The role of artificial intelligence in the green transition: solution or part of the problem?'

Despite an AI boom in workplaces, the potential of artificial intelligence in relation to climate and environmental issues has received less attention. The use of artificial intelligence is also a double-edged sword, esp...

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